Achieve a Seamless IT infrastructure with Single Sign-On (SSO) + SCIM and eliminate multiple login hassless


Embrace a simplified approach to IT management with Single Sign-On (SSO) and SCIM.

By streamlining user authentication and provisioning, you can eliminate the need for multiple logins and empower your IT/HR teams to focus on more strategic initiatives.

SSO & SCIM: A Powerhouse Combination for IT Excellence:

  • Enhanced Productivity:
    Empower users to access all applications with a single login, saving valuable time and boosting overall productivity

  • Improved Security: Strengthen your security posture by centralizing user authentication and reducing the risk of password-related breaches

  • Streamlined IT Infrastructure: Eliminate the complexities of managing multiple user accounts across various applications, simplifying IT operations

  • Happier Users: Foster a positive user experience by eliminating the frustration of juggling multiple login credentials

If you are an IT administrator, you don’t have to juggle a sea of ​​usernames and passwords to get into your systems.

With SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management), you are super administrator for your employees and user accounts.

SCIM handles everything from creating and deleting users to assigning access levels across systems.

You avoid resetting passwords, handling user accounts manually and combating security holes.

Stop resetting passwords, manually managing user accounts, and fighting security holes.”

How to get SSO + SCIM

Our module is approved by Microsoft, it is easy to integrate and requires minimal technical effort on your part. You just have to do a simple installation in your existing system.

Reach out to or call +45 53 50 35 90 and hear more. You can also fill out the form below 👇

Discover the Benefits of SSO/SCIM and Simplify Your Day-to-Day

Embrace a simpler and more efficient approach to IT management with SSO (Single Sign-On) and SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management). Learn more about these powerful tools and how they can transform your IT operations.

Top Benefits of Single Sign-On (SSO)

  1. Enhanced Security: With SSO, your employees only need to remember one set of login credentials, reducing the risk of weak or reused passwords. This means fewer security breaches and better protection for your data.

  2. Improved Productivity:
    The time spent logging in and out of various systems is drastically reduced. Your employees can focus on their core tasks without interruptions, increasing overall productivity.

  3. Centralized User Management:
    SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) enables automated user account management. This means you can easily add, modify, or remove user access from one central system, saving time and minimizing errors.

  4. Enhanced User Experience:
    Users love the simplicity that SSO offers. It becomes easier to access necessary tools and systems.

  5. Scalability:
    Regardless of company size, our module can scale to meet your needs. As your business grows, our solution grows with you.

  6. Reduced IT Burden:
    The IT department will experience fewer support cases related to forgotten passwords or login issues. This frees up resources for other critical IT tasks and projects.

  7. Easy Creation and Removal of Access: When new employees join, it’s easy to create users – and when they leave the company, it takes a few clicks for the IT administrator to close access.
Single Sign On illustration SSO

Single Sign-On (SSO) – For IT Administrators:

  • Reduced Complexity: Gain a single identity for all applications, eliminating the need to manage multiple usernames and passwords – saving you time and resources.
  • Enhanced Security: Fewer passwords mean lower risk of phishing attacks and data breaches.
  • Centralized Access Control: SSO enables easy management of user permissions across all applications from one central location.

For Employees:

  • Seamless Access: Employees get one login with access to all applications without remembering multiple passwords.
  • Increased Productivity: Eliminate repetitive username and password entries, saving time and frustration.
  • Improved User Experience: A more streamlined and user-friendly access process to all your necessary tools – also leading to higher employee satisfaction.

System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) – For IT Administrators:

  • Automated User Management: Easily create, update, and delete user accounts across different systems. Save time and manual effort.
  • Strong Oversight: Gain a comprehensive overview of all user identities and their access levels across your entire organization.
  • Simplified Compliance: Meet security standards and data privacy requirements with centralized management of user access.

For Employees:

  • Quick Onboarding: Get fast access to all necessary applications and resources when starting your new role.
  • Reduced Support Needs: Less frustration and wait time as the IT department doesn’t need to handle manual user account updates.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Easy access to shared documents and tools, fostering effective team collaboration.